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Practicing the near future tense in French is a great way to expand your learners French writing and introduce a new tense that is really easy to learn! If you've already taught the verb aller, your learners will get the hang of it right away. It can help them to speak about what they're going to do in the near future - that night, over the weekend, the next week, etc.
I've included two sheets in this unit that have learners transform sentences from the present or infinitive into the future proche. All they'll need to do is use the verb aller in the present tense and the infinitive of the verb they want to use.
The verb aller (to go) in the present tense looks like this:
Je vais (I'm going to/ I will)
Tu vas (You're going to/ you will)
Il/Elle/On va (He/She/We are going to/will)
Nous allons (We are going to/ we will)
Vous allez (You are going to / you will)
Ils/Elles vont (they are going to/ they will)
So, using the infinitive of the verb you'd like to use, just put it into your sentence with the proper pronoun form of aller:
Je vais lire un live ce soir. I am going to read a book tonight.
Students will also get the opportunity to write their own sentences by first writing a sentence in the present tense, then changing them into the future proche. So, for example, they could write:
Je regarde un film >> Je vais regarded un film
I've also included worksheets with both French and English instructions to best suit your classroom or homeschool. Feel free to use these in your school, homeschool, or online learning classes. Just be sure to leave my website name on each page and follow my terms.
You can download this free worksheet set below.